MMOexp Madden 24 players want to make the game safer



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Calling the game “soft” gives a lot of regular people who never played football the impression that current players just want to be able to hurt each other in peace. It also reinforces the narrative that players need the owners to “save them from themselves,” a narrative that exclusively benefits the owners. A lot of “fans” already look at players more like commodities than actual people anyway, so I feel like it doesn’t do anyone any favors for players to keep falling into that trap rhetorically.

These rule changes aren’t bad because they are making the game “soft.” They are bad because they’re really friggin’ stupid!

Some of them also pretty clearly aren’t making the game any safer, and in fact you can make a pretty compelling case that some of them are making the game more dangerous for defensive players who now, evidently, have to try to be contortionists at full speed or risk getting flagged.

If you don’t believe me ask Dolphins veteran defensive end William Hayes who tried to do like the Madden NFL 24 said and defy the laws of gravity on Sunday and, unfortunately for him, got bit back by gravity. Hayes is now on injured reserve and lost for the season with a major knee injury after he was off to a hot start for a very surprising 3-0 Miami team ... all because he tried to abide by a nonsensical rule change.

That’s exactly why they repeat over and over the message that they are only making these changes for the sake of their players. Current players could help themselves a lot by dropping the “soft” rhetoric and instead going right at owners’ claims of improving player safety. Challenge the Madden NFL 24 to prove these rule changes are necessary next time before guys have to play under them. Demand that they disclose how they came to formulate and approve these rule changes in the first place. Stress how much all players want to make the game safer, too, but that there needs to be some proof that any of these rules changes actually accomplish that goal before putting them in place.

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