The Finals: The Best Way To Steal The Cashout



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The Finals

Whether you’re playing Ranked or Quick Play, stealing a Cashout is by far the best way to win the Quick Cash mode. And while there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for swiping a cashout, there are some best ways to make stealing it easier in The Finals.

Note: All these info come from U4gm. You can discover more valuable insights and expert tips here that have the potential to revolutionize your The Finals gaming experience. Also, you can buy The Finals Boosting services here that achieve your goals quickly and easily.

Wipe the Opposition

As its name suggests, wiping the opposition means dealing with all or most enemies and stealing in relative comfort. Making use of this strategy requires not only a good shot but also good teamwork. I don’t recommend trying for a wipe steal if you’re playing solo without voice comms. If you’re playing alone and still want to try, take stock of your teammates first.

A successful wipe steal usually starts from the outside of a cashout with your full squad around you. You can approach as a unit or from three different directions, but you’ll want at least one teammate with a Sonar Grenade to give everyone visibility on what’s coming. Don’t blow open any walls if you can help it. Clear every corner and put your shots on target, and when everyone is dead, head in for the steal.

Seal It Off

You use all kinds of deployable cover, grenades, and the environment to hide that you’re stealing the cashout. Of course, the enemy team will know that’s what you’re doing, so like all steals, timing is key. When the opportunity presents itself, build a fort around the cashout, but don’t necessarily start the steal immediately, especially if enemies are about. Give it about 10 or 15 seconds for your team to clear out most of the opposition, then head in.

You can, of course, use the chaos in the midst of battle as a smokescreen of its own. If you’re quick about it, build a smaller fort on your own as the gunfight happens around you, then go for the steal when things are at their hottest. This maneuver carries significantly more risk but is also much more satisfying to pull off.

Drop It Down

The environments in The Finals are more destructible than almost any other game on the market. Floors, walls, ceilings, doors, windows — you name it, you can probably blow it up. The drop-it-down steal strategy is a bit more situational than the others, as the cashout needs to be in a position where you can actually take out the floor beneath it.

However, if you go into the objective building and put explosives not only on the floor with the cashout but also any beneath it, you can bring the thing all the way to the first floor. You might even cover it in debris, giving you some cover for the steal.

That covers the best ways to steal a Cashout in The Finals. For more coverage on The Finals, feel free to visit U4gm.

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