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There are a total of 7 random encounter types in Fallout 76. Here's how to trigger them, what happens when you do, and what you can get out of it.
The Electrician
Where To Trigger: Skyline Valley Region. One of the locations where players can find him is along the road just south of Naked Creek.
There are a few interesting encounters to find in the Skyline Valley region, but the Electrician is by far the most memorable one. When triggered, the player will see an NPC only known as The Electrician. This individual will take on some enemies, which can range from Blood Eagles to Super Mutants. There are a couple of ways the encounter can unravel. First, The Electrician can win the fight and disappear in an electrical blast. The second is The Electrician loses the fight and dies. Not much is known about The Electrician, but it does make for a bizarre encounter.
The Smiling Man
Where To Trigger: Can spawn in a few locations, including north of Camp Venture and south of Deathclaw Island.
The Smiling Man is one of the more unsettling encounters that players can come across while exploring Appalachia. As the name suggests, the encounter is centered around a strange smiling man. This creepy guy does have some dialogue, but what makes this encounter truly strange is how he disappears in a cloud of smoke when attacked. His smile is unnaturally wide, which can be quite a shock for unsuspecting wastelanders. It is possible to hear other NPCs mention this mysterious entity. However, nobody seems to know a lot about the Smiling Man.
Insult Bot
Where To Find: Players have a small chance of being approached by this NPC while roaming around the wasteland.
When it comes to random encounters, the Insult Bot has become a fan favorite. Players will randomly be approached by the Insult Bot, who, as its name suggests, will insult the player. After reading out an insult, the bot will hand the player a note called "You Have Been Insulted!" and then walk away. Players tend to sell these notes in their vending machines for a very high price. While they don't sell, it's become a bit of a running joke as it's a way for players to insult each other in a rather humorous way.
Levenson, The Eyebot Evangelist
Where To Find: Mire Region
Levenson roams around playing a religious tape that is supposed to help guide players into saving their souls. The robot advises players to head to Haven Church in order to be saved. Unfortunately, there's no salvation there. Instead, players will confront Feral Ghouls. There are also a few other enemies dotted around, making this church a pretty bad place to hang around. That said, for players who have a decent weapon, there are some interesting notes around the area that help provide some idea of what the former occupants went through.
Mr. Bandit
Where To Find: All regions of the map.
Players have a chance of stumbling across a Mr. Handy robot. While things seem pretty normal at first, they quickly turn sour. This Mr. Handy is no ordinary robot; he is in fact a bandit, and will demand that the player hand over their goods.
There are a few ways to resolve the situation. First, the player can drop any item, which will make the bandit leave peacefully. Second, the player can refuse to hand over their goods and the robot will turn hostile. Finally, the player can drop an item, wait for the robot to turn away, and shoot it from behind. By doing this last option, the player isn't going to take much damage. Also, when destroyed, the player can loot their dropped goods back from the robot's remains.
Undetonated Ordinance
Where To Find: All regions of the map.
If the player happens across an undetonated bomb, they can attempt to defuse it. Should the player decide to interact with the bomb, they'll have three options: to cut the red wire, the blue wire, or the green wire. The correct wire to cut changes with each encounter, so there's no way for the player to know which one to cut.
If the player selects the correct wire, they'll hear a single beep. Then they'll be able to loot the bomb of its components. If they select the wrong wire, they'll hear multiple beeps, then the bomb will detonate. While the explosion does hurt the player, it isn't enough to kill them.
Mr. Prize Bot
Where To Find: The player doesn't find Mr. Prize Bot. Mr. Prize Bot finds the player.
If the player is very lucky, they'll encounter Mr. Prize Bot, a friendly robot who will congratulate the player on winning a prize from the Great Appalachian Sweepstakes. The robot will give the player some random loot and a G.A.S. Prize Certificate before leaving the area.
The reward usually isn't much, but it's nice to be rewarded for doing nothing. Players can't do anything with the G.A.S. Prize Certificate, but there are three to collect. Each one states that the player has a special prize. While there's no way of cashing these in, it's still fun to try and collect them all:
The Mole (Killer Moe)
Where To Find: Skyline Valley region
Killer Moe is a rather creepy individual. He can be found wearing a Mole Mascot head (one similar to Moe The Mole), and a straitjacket. He is hostile to the player. As he attacks the player, he will make similar sounds to Mole Miners. There isn't a lot of concrete information about Moe, but all signs point to him being a killer. Thankfully, he doesn't make for a particularly difficult fight, so it shouldn't take much for the player to take down Moe pretty easily.
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The Electrician
Where To Trigger: Skyline Valley Region. One of the locations where players can find him is along the road just south of Naked Creek.
There are a few interesting encounters to find in the Skyline Valley region, but the Electrician is by far the most memorable one. When triggered, the player will see an NPC only known as The Electrician. This individual will take on some enemies, which can range from Blood Eagles to Super Mutants. There are a couple of ways the encounter can unravel. First, The Electrician can win the fight and disappear in an electrical blast. The second is The Electrician loses the fight and dies. Not much is known about The Electrician, but it does make for a bizarre encounter.
The Smiling Man
Where To Trigger: Can spawn in a few locations, including north of Camp Venture and south of Deathclaw Island.
The Smiling Man is one of the more unsettling encounters that players can come across while exploring Appalachia. As the name suggests, the encounter is centered around a strange smiling man. This creepy guy does have some dialogue, but what makes this encounter truly strange is how he disappears in a cloud of smoke when attacked. His smile is unnaturally wide, which can be quite a shock for unsuspecting wastelanders. It is possible to hear other NPCs mention this mysterious entity. However, nobody seems to know a lot about the Smiling Man.
Insult Bot
Where To Find: Players have a small chance of being approached by this NPC while roaming around the wasteland.
When it comes to random encounters, the Insult Bot has become a fan favorite. Players will randomly be approached by the Insult Bot, who, as its name suggests, will insult the player. After reading out an insult, the bot will hand the player a note called "You Have Been Insulted!" and then walk away. Players tend to sell these notes in their vending machines for a very high price. While they don't sell, it's become a bit of a running joke as it's a way for players to insult each other in a rather humorous way.
Levenson, The Eyebot Evangelist
Where To Find: Mire Region
Levenson roams around playing a religious tape that is supposed to help guide players into saving their souls. The robot advises players to head to Haven Church in order to be saved. Unfortunately, there's no salvation there. Instead, players will confront Feral Ghouls. There are also a few other enemies dotted around, making this church a pretty bad place to hang around. That said, for players who have a decent weapon, there are some interesting notes around the area that help provide some idea of what the former occupants went through.
Mr. Bandit
Where To Find: All regions of the map.
Players have a chance of stumbling across a Mr. Handy robot. While things seem pretty normal at first, they quickly turn sour. This Mr. Handy is no ordinary robot; he is in fact a bandit, and will demand that the player hand over their goods.
There are a few ways to resolve the situation. First, the player can drop any item, which will make the bandit leave peacefully. Second, the player can refuse to hand over their goods and the robot will turn hostile. Finally, the player can drop an item, wait for the robot to turn away, and shoot it from behind. By doing this last option, the player isn't going to take much damage. Also, when destroyed, the player can loot their dropped goods back from the robot's remains.
Undetonated Ordinance
Where To Find: All regions of the map.
If the player happens across an undetonated bomb, they can attempt to defuse it. Should the player decide to interact with the bomb, they'll have three options: to cut the red wire, the blue wire, or the green wire. The correct wire to cut changes with each encounter, so there's no way for the player to know which one to cut.

If the player selects the correct wire, they'll hear a single beep. Then they'll be able to loot the bomb of its components. If they select the wrong wire, they'll hear multiple beeps, then the bomb will detonate. While the explosion does hurt the player, it isn't enough to kill them.
Mr. Prize Bot
Where To Find: The player doesn't find Mr. Prize Bot. Mr. Prize Bot finds the player.
If the player is very lucky, they'll encounter Mr. Prize Bot, a friendly robot who will congratulate the player on winning a prize from the Great Appalachian Sweepstakes. The robot will give the player some random loot and a G.A.S. Prize Certificate before leaving the area.
The reward usually isn't much, but it's nice to be rewarded for doing nothing. Players can't do anything with the G.A.S. Prize Certificate, but there are three to collect. Each one states that the player has a special prize. While there's no way of cashing these in, it's still fun to try and collect them all:
The Mole (Killer Moe)
Where To Find: Skyline Valley region
Killer Moe is a rather creepy individual. He can be found wearing a Mole Mascot head (one similar to Moe The Mole), and a straitjacket. He is hostile to the player. As he attacks the player, he will make similar sounds to Mole Miners. There isn't a lot of concrete information about Moe, but all signs point to him being a killer. Thankfully, he doesn't make for a particularly difficult fight, so it shouldn't take much for the player to take down Moe pretty easily.
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