Best Sims 4 Traits CC Mods [60+ Picks]


Dane N

That VideoGame Blog
Best Sims 4 Traits CC Mods [60+ Picks]

Sims 4 - Best Sims 4 Traits CC Mods

This post was last updated on October 1, 2021

Traits are one of the most important aspects of your Sim. They define how you work, what kind of life you lead, and who may or may not like you. There are tons of defaults like the Anxious trait or Geek trait, and while there are some very good ones on the official workshop, there are loads more CAS traits to be found on the web.

You can give your sim new emotional traits like the drama queen trait, hobby traits like the ultra-popular gamer trait, or feminine and manly traits like the Homemaker trait or Woohoo lover trait. Or, you could try some supernatural traits like the Siren trait or Angels and Demons traits.

You can get traits for differently-abled Sims like the Autism trait or the ADHD trait, adding a layer of realism and inclusiveness rarely seen in simulator games.

There are even lot traits to modify your home. Lot traits can give you a bigger and fancier property or a smaller and more run-down property with more building challenges to overcome. We’ll cover all the lot traits in another article.

Here are some of the best Sims 4 trait mods you can download and install right now to enhance your game.

Most Popular Sims 4 Traits (Custom Content)​

Activist Trait Mod​

The activist trait is the perfect way to take a stance in your Sim’s world. With so much going on, it’s important for them to speak up and let their voice be heard. Maybe they’re protesting against an issue that goes beyond The Sims 3, but no matter what happens, you can rest assured knowing they’ll have something of substance to say about it!

Agoraphobia Trait Mod​

If you’re looking for someone who’s intelligent and charismatic but doesn’t want to leave their house, then this might be the best option for you. This Sim will have a lower chance of being successful in their career, they don’t work well with others, and they won’t need much socialization because they don’t like going out. But they’ll still be able to do their daily tasks and have a generally happy life.

Alcoholic Trait Mod​

If your Sim becomes an alcoholic, then there will be consequences – they’ll get angry or sad more often when things go wrong in life; have less energy; become overweight faster; lose friends easier, and even die sooner. But it’s the challenging lifestyle of becoming an artist or writer that might make them push them towards this trait.

Anarchist Trait Mod​

An anarchist Sim loves to cause a bit of chaos in their life and in the lives of others. They will occasionally get into fights with other Sims, aspire to commit criminal acts, become stronger when injured from fighting, and even have a chance at earning extra money by stealing objects or swindling others. But they’ll also lose relationships more easily and struggle to be career-oriented.

Angels and Demons Trait Mod​

There are always two sides to life, even in the Sims universe. Whether you want your female Sim to be a shining pillar of light or your male sims to be evil demon kings, you can live the divine life as an angel or a demon!

This trait will cause your Sim to have better or worse relationships, depending on which side they’re trying to find. They will also go to hell or heaven after they pass away, depending on which side you choose.

Anime Lover Trait Mod​

Anime is a nearly universal interest among people of all demographics, especially in Japan. If you’re an anime lover, then your Sim will have the chance to become either a gifted artist or an animator. They’ll also be able to get along with other Sims better, become inspired more easily while watching TV, and even gain special moodlets just by watching anime.

Anti-Social Mastermind Trait Mod​

The anti-social mastermind is a bit of an odd trait, but it can be very fun. This Sim won’t want to have any friends (they’ll get upset if you try to make them interact with other Sims), and they’ll often lose their temper in public. But they’ll also be able to discover solutions for new inventions, teach other Sims negative skills, and even gain special moodlets by interacting with others’ failures.

Aphrodite Trait Mod​

If you want to meddle with the affairs of love, then this is the trait for you. Your Sim will become an instant master when it comes to flirting, giving them more opportunities at getting lucky in life. They’ll also have a higher chance of producing twins or triplets if they’re trying for children, and they’ll even get some special romantic moodlets every day.

Arrogant Trait Mod​

If you want to boost your Sim and other people who have a high level of success, this is the trait for you. Your Sim will get along with famous Sims or others in positions of power, but their social skills will suffer because they’re too busy showing off and being arrogant to be nice to anyone else. But it’ll be hard to knock them down because they’ll have a higher chance of succeeding when doing better in life.

Artistic Prodigy Trait Mod​

If you want to live the romanticized life of an artist, then this is the trait for you. First off, both famous artists and SimBots will have a higher chance of being inspired while near your Sim – leading to better art or useful inventions. Your Sim can also become inspired more easily when studying fine arts, writing novels, or even listening to music.

Astrophile Trait Mod​

Astrophiles can be very difficult to play with because they’ll often miss out on social events and gatherings when they’re busy studying the stars. They’ll also struggle to find a great job when they’re more interested in the night sky than what’s going on around them. But if you want your Sim to live the perfect life of stargazing and inventing, then this is a good trait for you.

Attractive Personality Trait Mod​

If your Sim is attractive and has a good personality, this trait will allow them to become extremely confident in their own appearance, leading to better relationships. They’ll also be able to master charisma skills faster, making it easier for them to succeed in life. And if they’re searching for love, then they’ll have an even higher chance of finding it.

Authoritarian Trait Mod​

If you want to get things done with a kick of authority, this is the trait. This Sim will be able to persuade others into getting what they’re asking for faster, which can lead to a promotion at work or better perks if your Sim becomes famous.

Baby Maker Trait Mod​

If your Sim is trying to have a family but keeps having trouble with a pregnancy, then this trait can be very useful. They’ll have an increased chance of becoming pregnant at any time, and if they do manage to get lucky, they’ll also be more likely to give birth to twins or triplets. If that’s not enough, they’ll also become better at socializing and building relationships, making it easier for them to go into show business.

Bibliophile Trait Mod​

If your Sim loves to read, then this trait will give them a bit of an edge. They’ll be able to write novels faster, and they’ll even get some moodlet boosts when reading books, playing chess, or writing poetry.

Coffee Lover Trait Mod​

If your Sim is obsessed with coffee, then this trait can be very useful. Your Sim will start to enjoy food more when they eat a meal at home, and if they go out for dinner or are invited to an event, then there’s a chance that they’ll be able to learn some tips from the chef on how to make better food for themselves.

College Student Trait Mod​

If your Sim is in university or has recently graduated, this trait can be very useful because they’ll get special moodlet boosts when using social skills. They’ll also be able to excel at their studies without much effort, and they’ll even find it easier to get a job after they graduate if they have the right skills.


If your Sim is afraid of everything, then they’ll find it a lot harder to have fun in life. They can still do things, but they’ll have to always keep an eye on their surroundings and stay prepared at all times. They’ll also be a lot more likely to panic during certain situations that would scare normal Sims.

Crazy Trait Mod​

This trait is a bit of an odd one. It’s not completely useless because your Sim can learn to paint, sculpt or write better while stressed out, and that might lead to some money-making opportunities, but the main benefit of this trait is able to make friends with other crazy Sims. But the problem with that is they’ll have to be in the same room for a few hours before you can even attempt to strike up a friendship.

Cultured Sim Trait Mod​

If your Sim enjoys going to museums and eating at fancy restaurants, then they might fit this trait. They’ll be able to learn the charisma skill faster and other skills if they start reading foreign newspapers or enjoying foreign food while on holiday.

Cultured Vampire Trait Mods​

If your Sim is a vampire, then this trait can be very useful because it will give them an extended lifetime of being able to practice their painting, writing, or music skills without getting bored. They’ll also be able to scare people faster and harder when they use certain vampire actions.

Curious Trait Mods​

If your Sim loves to discover new things, then this trait can be useful. It will help them master the logic skill faster, and if they’re on a date or attending an event, their curiosity can lead to more rewarding conversations. They’ll also be able to unlock hidden traits in other Sims by talking about their life experiences.

Daydreamer Trait Mods​

If your Sim loves to relax in the garden pond and daydream about their future life, then this is the trait for you. They’ll be able to clear negative moodlets faster, they’ll have an easier time satisfying their needs, and if they’re job hunting, they might even get their dream job without much effort.

Depressed Trait Mods​

This is one of those emotional traits that might sound bad, but it actually isn’t. This is because you’ll be more likely to get those special moodlet boosts while in a bad mood. You’ll even get an extra skill boost when your Sim is feeling blue, and their writing will improve faster if they’re also feeling down after something horrible has happened to them.

Drama Queen/King Trait Mods​

If your Sim loves to moan, cry and whine, then they’ll be able to get a moodlet boost by doing just that. They’ll also be better at convincing other Sims to do what they want, especially if what they want is another breakdown!

Early Bird​

Cheerful Sims will get a moodlet boost when they wake up early in the morning, and if your Sim has this trait, then they’ll be able to get extra skill gains from their time spent studying. They’ll also have better relationships with their immediate family members.

Emotional Burnout​

There are some upsides to this trait because your Sim might get a moodlet boost if they work out, but the real help comes when they feel like their lives just aren’t worth living and want to end it all. They’ll be able to skip town without any hassle from the Grim Reaper, and they’ll find it easier to decrease their social standing with others.

Gamer Trait​

If your Sim loves to play video games, then the gamer trait is for them. Sims with the gamer trait will be able to get a moodlet boost by playing video games, and in doing so, gamer Sims learn the gaming skill faster.


If your Sim is afraid of germs, then they’ll be less likely to get sick, and if another Sim has been sick around them, then they’ll be able to clean up after the plague faster than everyone else. They’ll also occasionally get an extra moodlet boost for being careful about what they touch.


If your Sim loves to cook, then this trait can be useful because they will get special moodlet boosts from eating good food. They’ll also be able to discover new recipes and learn cooking skills faster, as well as to make better friends with others who have this trait.

Green Thumb​

If your Sim loves to garden, then this trait will be a very useful one. They’ll get special moodlet boosts when they are caring for plants, and if they have the gardening skill unlocked, then they can plant certain flowers that earn them money on a regular basis.

Guitar Legend​

If your Sim has a guitar, then they might be able to learn the guitar skill faster by having this trait and practicing their instrument. However, it will require some practice time before you can unlock the bonuses from this one.


This trait will give your Sim a stronger dislike towards certain actions and Sims, but if you have another Sim with this trait in their household, then they might get some special bonuses like extra friendship points. After all, misery loves company!

Healthy Lifestyle​

If your Sim is in the habit of eating vegetables, exercising, and attaining a good level of fitness, then they’ll be able to get special moodlet boosts by having this trait. They will also have better relationships with others who share their healthy outlook on life.


Heartbreaker is the king (or queen) of new emotional traits. If you want your Sim to be able to charm others but then crush them emotionally and spiritually, then choose this trait. What better way to get what you want than by having that special something (or someone) fall head over heels for you?


If your Sims tend to get stressed out more easily than others, then this trait can be a useful one because it will give you an early warning if they’re about to have a meltdown over something. They’ll also be able to learn logic skills faster, and their conversation skills will be better too.

Hipster Personality​

If your Sim loves to be trendy, then this trait will help them stay that way because it’ll give them special moodlet boosts for visiting the bar and buying trendy items. They’ll also get a better response from Sims outside of their household if they have this trait.

This trait will also give you a special, separate “Hipster-only” dialogue option when talking to other Sims. If your Sim has this trait, then they can also get special moodlet boosts from drinking coffee and listening to music on vinyl records.


If your Sim loves to do housework, then they’ll get a special moodlet boost when they clean or decorate on a regular basis. They’ll also be better at making friends and building relationships with other Sims. They make great parents, too!


If your Sim loves to write poetry or make paintings, then they’ll get a special moodlet boost from such actions. They’ll also develop their creativity skill faster, and they will earn more money when selling their creations.


If your Sim wants to live forever, then this trait is for them. They can earn money by celebrating birthdays, and they will be able to influence the lives of others who have died (legend has it that these Sims are actually just living under the guise of a new identity).


If your Sim is easily manipulated and fooled due to their innocence, then this trait could be a dangerous one for them. If you have other Sims who are evil or mean-spirited around, they might trick your Sim into doing things that will negatively affect their life in the long run.


This trait will give your Sim a weaker sense of self-esteem, so if they want to live their life without the fear of rejection or failure, then this might not be the trait for them. If you have other Sims with this type of personality in your household, then they’ll also get special moodlet boosts.

Instagram Baddie​

The Insta baddie trait makes your Sim instant enemies with other Sims on social media. This Sim loves Instagram and will be rewarded for interacting with the app on a regular basis. They’ll earn extra social media followers too!


If your Sim wants to have a brilliant mind, then this trait is for them. It will allow them to earn extra money by reading books, and they’ll also be able to develop their logic skill faster than other Sims.


Sims 4 modding superstar SkillfulSimmer340 modeled a trait after his best friend, Jeremy. But why would you want Jeremy in your Simiverse? Because he’s so skilled at making coffee and cooking chili! He’s also the guy who always has a crazy story to tell or a snappy joke in his back pocket.


If your Sim is sometimes blue or sad around others, then the melancholic trait may be a good fit. It will give you an early warning sign if they are about to burst into tears, and it will help them relax when they’re feeling stressed out.


If your Sim wants to be more grounded and humble, then this trait is a good one for them. It will give them new dialogue options that will help them earn money and make friends with other Sims easily. However, they will earn slightly less money from their job.

Photographer’s Eye​

If your Sim loves to be around cameras, then the Photographer’s Eye trait is a good one for them. It will help them earn more money from taking pictures, and it’ll also earn them a bonus when they make their first profit in the photography career.

Practical Joker​

If your Sim is a jokester at heart, then this trait will help them out. This trait means that your Sims will never be unable to tell a joke, even if they have terrible social skills. Their jokes won’t always work on other Sims, though, so make sure they develop their charisma skill as well.


If your Sim is a fire fiend, then they’ll love this trait. It will give them an early warning sign if there’s a danger of a fire, but it may also result in them starting fires accidentally.


If your Sim is a troublemaker, then this trait is for them. It will help them earn extra money from their mischief-making actions, but they’ll also suffer more negative moodlets when being punished by other Sims or the police.


If your Sim loves to be sassy and snarky around others, then this trait is a good one for them. It’ll help them earn more money from writing sassy blog posts, but it will also make it easier for them to lose friendships with other Sims.

Self Critical​

If your Sim is hard on themselves and their actions, then this trait may be a good fit for them. It will give them an early warning sign when they’re going to self-sabotage, but it’ll also slow down their social development in the meantime.


If your Sim is a quiet person who doesn’t like to joke around, then this trait is for them. It’ll give them more serious interactions when speaking with other Sims, and it will also reward them for being self-disciplined and being responsible in their life.


The opposite of the Serious trait is the Silly trait. When this is chosen, your Sim will have the option to play pranks on other Sims, and they’ll be rewarded for doing so. However, it may also make them look childish in front of their peers, so be careful!


If your Sim loves to sleep and isn’t very motivated in the morning, then this trait is a good one for them. They’ll have longer replenished energy at night, and they may also get an early warning sign that they’ve slept long enough.

Socially Awkward​

If your Sim is socially awkward and isn’t very good at making friends with others, then this trait might help them out. It will give them more negative moodlets when they’re around other Sims, but it’ll also make it easier for them to befriend animals.


If your Sim wants to be a powerful wizard, then this trait is for them. It will give them more negative moodlets when performing magic in front of others, but it’ll also improve their magical abilities and make it easier for them to earn money from their spells.

Spiritual Trait​

If your Sim is a spiritual person who wants to get in touch with the supernatural world, then the Spiritual trait is for them. They’ll be able to commune with spirits and even ghosts easier than other Sims, but it may also make it harder for them to earn money from jobs.


If your Sim loves to talk, then this trait is a good one for them. It will give them an early warning sign when others are getting irritated with their small talk, and it’ll even help them earn more money from socialization.


If your Sim is a bit of an airhead or would rather not care about things, then the nonchalant trait is a good one for them. They’ll also be able to learn their social skills faster and meet new Sims more easily. However, they may have trouble trying to find a job because they are “lazy.”

Movie Freak​

If your Sim loves to go to the movies and watch them on a regular basis, then that makes them a movie freak! They’ll get a moodlet boost from watching movies. They will also be able to encourage watching movies on the television at home, and they’ll get a special dialogue option when interacting with other Sims while they’re watching a film.

What are Sims 4 Traits CC?​

Traits are special characteristics. They can be chosen during the game start, appear as a consequence of your actions, or they can occur automatically if certain conditions are met. Sims 4 traits have a major role in the gameplay, as depending on them, you can choose a certain way of living, career, relationships with other characters, and much more.

The CC stands for “custom content,” meaning that these are objects created by the players. These mods can change looks, animations, interactions, behaviors, and much more (as a lot of them includes custom coding).

How Do You Get a Trait in Sims 4?​

Traits are assigned based on your sim’s actions. They can be chosen during the game start or appear as a consequence of how you act and what things you do. You can also use cheats to add traits to your Sims.


The Sims 4 Trait Mods allow you to change or add new ones and let you play the way you want.

The Sims 4 Trait Mods allow you to change or add new ones and let you play the way you want. Give your sim some traits from this list – either those from the Base Game, Expansion Packs, or even a custom-designed one. You will be able to make different variations of personalities for your sims.

What Can You Do with Sims 4 Traits?​

Traits are special characteristics assigned to your Sims. They can define a sim’s behavior, physical appearance and be the reason for how they live in a world of The Sims 4. Traits offer you an opportunity to change how your sims go through their lives. Some of them make your Sim’s life easier, while others make it more difficult.

Some of them are completely opposite to each other, and you can’t have two sims with the same traits in one household.

Traits are mainly about your sim’s personality while the skills are for their abilities – a trait can leave you with certain strengths but also weaknesses that come into play when it comes to fulfilling one or another of your needs.

How do I Enable Traits CC in Sims 4?​


First, you need to download a mod from one of several websites for Sims 4 mods

Download it and unpack it into your \Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods folder (if there is no Mods folder there, create it). This folder may be under your C:\Windows\Program Files path, or you may need to use your Windows search function to locate it.

When you unpack the mod, a folder with the name of the mod appears. Copy and paste it into \Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods.

Open your Sims 4 game and go to the menu Game Options. Click on the “Other” tab and check the box labeled “Enable Custom Content and Mods.”

Xbox One​

Unfortunately, Sims 4 CC traits are not supported on Xbox One yet. You can edit your Sims’ default traits, though, using the “Edit CAS” tool.


Like the Xbox One, there is sadly no support for custom traits on the PS4, either.

How Do You Download Sims 4 CC Traits?​

There are several websites for Sims 4 mods – the most popular of them is On this website, you will be able to choose between a lot of different traits available, and you can download more from The Sims 4 community forums and other locations.

Where is the CC in Sims 4?​

Users can find custom content by navigating to their Documents folder, selecting the EA folder, then The Sims 4. There are two folders used for custom content: the “Tray” folder is for storing lots and sims, while “Mods” is for your custom traits and other items.

How Do You Have More Than 3 Traits on Sims 4?​

There’s no official way (even with cheats) to have more than 3 traits on your sim. However, you can download a custom trait mod from that will allow you to add unlimited traits to your Sims! Just be warned that adding 20 or more traits to an individual Sim often causes the game to run more sluggishly.

Is CC Bad for Sims 4?​

Not at all. Custom content is a way to expand your game’s possibilities and create more replay value. It’s also a way to give back to the community by creating your own traits and objects.

Downloading custom content is completely safe, and it will not affect your game or put your computer at risk.

Modifying the files that come with the game can have some side effects on gameplay, but you should be able to use these custom traits without any major issues.

How Do I Know if My CC is Bad on Sims 4?​

Most CC is pretty stable, but sometimes it can mess with your game and cause some nasty glitches (like freezing or crashing problems). If you suspect that the content is causing problems, go ahead and remove it.

If you’re having trouble identifying the culprit CC, here are some cleanup steps you can perform:

1) Cut and paste the Mods folder to another location outside of your EA folder.

2) Locate and delete the file localthumbcache.package from your game folder.

3) Run the repair tool in Origin. Go to Library, then right-click on The Sims 4 and select Repair Game. Allow the operation to run on all Sims 4 content, including expansion packs.

4) When you run the game again, a new (empty) Mods folder will generate in your Electronic Arts folder.

5) Paste in the mods from your cut-and-paste location one by one and test them to make sure they load properly and are glitch-free.

If you like custom traits because they are interesting, but you’re worried about their stability, consider using them only on sims that are not in your main household.

In Closing​

There are many interesting traits available for Sims 4. Custom content is a way to make your game more varied and fun, so they’re a no-brainer. Custom content traits enrich your game without needing to buy an expansion pack. They help you take your purchase way farther, offering much more bang for your buck.

If you have any questions, leave a comment below or contact us. Happy Simming!

The post Best Sims 4 Traits CC Mods [60+ Picks] appeared first on That VideoGame Blog.


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